Diets. We’ve all
been on one at least once. Well, after having each of my babies, I went on a
low carb diet. It’s done really well for me and I’ve been able to get back down
below my pre-pregnancy weight both times. Yay me! My second baby is now almost a year old, and
although I’m under my pre-pregnancy weight, I still have more that I want to
lose. But that’s easier said than done. I have been doing a low carb diet off
and on since the holidays.
But it's times to get back on the wagon, so my mom
and I decided to do a kick start diet together to help us both get strict
again. It’s called the Military diet. Military as in how strict the diet is,
not as in this is what they actually eat in the military.
Day 1
Breakfast –
½ Grapefruit, 1 slice of toast, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, one cup
coffee (black)
Lunch – ½
cup of dry tuna, 1 slice of toast, 1 cup of coffee (black)
Dinner – 3
ounces of any type of meat, 1 cup of green beans, ½ banana, 1 small
apple, 1 cup of vanilla ice cream
So, I started out really optimistic. Those meal
plans didn’t seem too bad, despite the fact that I had to drink my coffee
black. And I have two little kids, so skipping coffee was not an option! I’m not
gonna lie, I actually thought about mixing the peanut butter in my coffee to
sweeten it, but I wasn’t sure how that would turn out. So instead I put the
peanut butter on the toast and took a sip of coffee after every bite. By lunch
time things were still going well. That was a decent breakfast do I was fine.
Lunch was at 11:30 and it was dry tuna on a piece of bread, which was fine at
the time. Then I put the kids in the stroller and went for a walk. Still fine.
Around 3:30, I started to get hungry, but I decided that it was psychological
and I could just convince myself that I wasn’t really hungry. Even though my
walk had walked off all of my lunch and I was in fact getting very hungry. That
wasn’t working and the diet didn’t say anything about whether or not you can have
a meal item at a different time, so I made a judgment call. I ate my apple
early. The apple helped me get to dinner time, where I had some left over
grilled chicken and my cup of green beans. I knew that I would really crave it
later, but you know the whole “after 6 it sticks” rule so I decided to go ahead
and have my ice cream and ½ banana about a half hour after dinner. I did get
the munchies later that night, but I pushed through them! Successful day one!
Day 2
Breakfast – 1
egg (cooked any way you want w/o fat), 1 slice of toast, ½ banana,
Lunch – 1 Cup
of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 5 saltine crackers
Dinner – 2 hot
dogs (w/o buns), 1 Cup of broccoli, ½ cup carrots, ½ banana, ½ cup
of vanilla ice cream
Again, the day started out fine, although that
black coffee was just really hard to get down. The trouble came when I decided
at 10:30 in the morning that I was going to run some errands. The errands were
about forty minutes from my house, and I had several stops to make. So,
needless to say, I didn’t make it back for a while and by the time I did, I was
starving. So the small lunch that I did get seemed even smaller. The diet also
has substitutions for certain items, and you can use one per day. I used mine
for the cottage cheese. Whoever thought cottage cheese would be something
suitable to eat had to be out of their mind. I am not a picky eater and I can
choke down some foods that I really don’t find appetizing, but cottage cheese
is not one of them. It’s like curdled
milk. Who eats curdled milk?? Okay, sorry back to my story. So I ate my 5
saltines, 1 egg, and a slice of cheese. That lasted me the afternoon and dinner
was pretty decent too. So day 2 was not a bad day! Only one day left and I was
feeling great about it.
Day 3
Breakfast – 5 saltines,
1 slice of cheddar cheese, 1 small apple
Lunch – 1 egg, 1
slice of toast
Dinner – 1 cup of
tuna, ½ banana, 1 cup of vanilla ice cream
Okay, day 3 started out small. Which was fine
because I don’t always eat breakfast, but by lunch time I was wanting more than
1 egg and 1 slice of toast. But I ate my 1 egg on my toast and I waited. My egg
didn’t hold me over very long and all I and to look forward to was dry tuna. I
enjoy tuna with mayo on bread or crackers, but just plain and dry is kind of
nasty. Finally, after what seemed like a very long afternoon, I choked down my
dry tuna and then waited another hour before I had my banana and ice cream. I’m
just gonna be honest. The thought of that ice cream is the only thing that
helped me stick to the diet that day. I did make it though. All three days, and
I lost 7 pounds too! I was pretty excited and it was definitely a good way to
kick off the diet again.
Low carb doesn’t
seem so bad after that diet.
Or does it?? Well, here I go! How do you think you would do on the
military diet? Any takers?