Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Testy Tuesdays

It's that time again. Just below are the pet peeves that are driving us crazy this week. Add your own in the comments, or ditto someone else. Commiserate with each other, blow off steam and go on your merry way.

Kylee: when people don't use basic manners

Stephanie: when you forget you left the water running, and then there's water all over the floor

Jill:  toothaches

Now it's your turn. What's bugging you?


  1. Sinus headache.... and when you open a brand new puzzle and a piece is missing! atleast I'm pretty sure I havent lost it already!

  2. People... I'm pretty sure that Ive used this one a few times already...

    When people bug me enough to make me say the same thing for like 3 weeks in a row.

  3. People in charge who make goofy decisions that don’t make sense. 🙄

  4. Not having time to just sit down and write...Argh!
