Monday, March 26, 2018

I Have A Secret, Too!

 So if you're doing the math, you realize that two out of three of the bloggers here on the lolinministry blog are expecting. Well today I thought I'd tell you that I have a secret too.

No, I'm not pregnant.

So what is my secret? Well, I don't have a bun in the oven, but I do have candy in the fridge.

See, I've been doing a low-carb diet. This past week I made a recipe that I got from Kari Smith's blog. The recipe was for little peanut butter cups that everyone was raving about. Unfortunately, I didn't read the recipe right and instead of the "three to four" teaspoons of sweetener I was supposed to include, I read it as "three-fourths of a teaspoon".

My results were less than spectacular.

Okay, they were down right nasty. At any rate, I put my efforts into a clear bowl and stuck them in the fridge. They were really horrible, and there was no way I was going to be eating any of them. Why didn't I throw them out, you ask?

Because nothing is sacred to my guys. If there's something yummy-looking in the fridge, they're going to try "just one" no matter whose name is marked on it. And when I get the right combination of ingredients to make these oh-so-fantastic chocolate delights, I'll never get any because the guys will gobble them up.

Unless ...

Sure enough, Nick tried one of the pieces from my failed efforts. He ended up spitting it out and telling everyone else in the family how awful they were. Now I can toss the bad ones and when I make them correctly, no one will touch them no matter how good they look because they know that Nick said they were awful.

Problem solved.

Now seriously, did you really think I was going to announce that I was pregnant?!?!


  1. Bahaha.....I need to do this!!!

  2. That's perfect except your kids read your blog and now know your plan. 😂

  3. Oh. My. Goodness! This is BRILLIANT and hilarious. I laughed so hard!! Thank you! I needed to laugh on this wonderful Monday!

  4. I just went back and looked at my blog and can totally see that the way I wrote packet to teaspoon conversion was totally confusing! So sorry! I went back and corrected it so others will know the un-confusing way to convert from packets to tsp.

  5. Genius idea I think I will do this!!! On purpose!! Lol
