Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Declutter Challenge

  I've been hearing about a declutter challenge that's going around. I looked it up online and basically it's spring cleaning with a new name, because everything works better when it's called "a challenge". We feel like we can't not do it because we were "challenged" to do it. When I was looking this challenge up, I found many different blogs and websites to help you. Everyone has a different method.

Here are a few of those methods:

  • Pick a room, a drawer, a closet, etc. Start anywhere and take 15 minutes that day to go through and the goal is to get rid of ten things in that area. Whether you donate them, set aside for a yard sale, or toss them, it doesn't matter. You just have to set those items aside and they are no longer going to be in your possession when this is over. You continue to do this until you have gone through your entire home and you can no longer pull items out of any room. Btw, I do believe one of the "rules" is that, at least on the first time through, there has to be ten items from each area. If you can't pull out ten items, then maybe you have a hoarding problem. This method is more of a long haul process since you're only spending 15 minutes a day at this, but it would be a great method for those who work full time or have an incredibly busy schedule. Everyone can take 15 minutes a day, right?
  • Another blog has a 30 day challenge, and they give you a month print out listing what room or drawer you are supposed to go through each day. Example: Day 1) Empty one junk drawer, Day 2) Purge your closet of things you never wear, Day 3) Purge two kitchen cabinets, and so on. This one I think would be an option for me because I tend to need something to help me stay focused. Otherwise, I end up getting distracted by other things that need done as I move about a room. Focusing on "empty this drawer" would be a plus for me. 

  • The first challenge that I heard about instructs you to go room by room in your house and you are to get rid of any items in that room that you have not used in the past 60 days. I'm not sure if this is one I could personally do. For several reasons. For instance, we are packing to move to another country. I have a lot of things set aside that I have never used because they are for Brazil. Also, I'm 9 months pregnant. I have many, many articles of clothing that I have not been able to wear in much longer than 60 days. This one's not for me right now, but for some it would probably be really helpful. 
I have been decluttering my house lately as well. With only a few months until we leave for Brazil, hubby and I have been working hard to sort through all of our belongings. I don't know how we've accumulated so much junk in only five years of marriage. If you think you have nothing to declutter, trust me. You do. My hubby used to say he didn't think we had enough stuff to get rid of to have a yard sale...
However, this is the current state of what used to be my dining room. Three totes of yard sale items, one overflowing tote of stuff to toss, and about 15 footlockers filled or to fill for moving, and one giant dog that my daughter was dragging around the house.  All of this, minus the dog,  is about to be stored in the garage until we have a yard sale next month. 

There you have it. Just a few methods and some motivation to help you do that spring cleaning. Will you take the challenge? 😂😂 Do you see what I did there?? 


  1. I work best with the Guest Challenge. You suddenly find out company is coming next week, so you frantically clean and declutter. 😉

  2. I'm also have a challenge that I'm working on. Operation declutter to fit 4th baby into our home!😁 (Baby will already fit, but if I give it the name then I'll be more likely to get rid of more "things".

  3. I will have to participate in some sort of challenge to be ready to downsize to a smaller home! The thought of how much stuff we will need to get rid of is overwhelming, but at the same time I can’t throw things in any sort of pile because we’re still showing the current house to possible buyers. However, I’m not moving to a different country with two young children and a I shouldn’t complain at all. 😁 Thanks for the outline! I’ll have to use one, or all, of these methods when it comes time to skim our stuff down!

  4. Ummm... I just may need to have an episode of Hoarding Buried Alive come shoot in my basement!!! (It's not really that bad) but it needs a lot of work and getting rid of!! Lol
    I have the worst time seperating my emotions from stuff... Like- aww I remember when Sarah wore that, or I remember a sweet lady that gave that to me...and so on.. Etc etc.. 😁

  5. I love to organize, declutter, etc. Although by looking at my house on a daily basis, you wouldn’t think so! I know it sounds cliche to blame everyone else, but literally the other humans in my home never want to part with anything...even if the reasoning was “but I only bought that two years ago and that would be a waste of money”. So, even though my time and energy are sparse, my will power to argue with the humans in my home over a broken toy or a shrinking shirt is even smaller. I’ll just wait till their back is turned and toss it deep into the trash someday. Don’t use this method though, it’s a very long and drawn out process! 🙄🤣

  6. I’m definitely a hoarder. I attach special meaning to meaningless things which compelled me to keep them. I have been working on cleaning/decluttering my room. My motivation is buying something small to decorate my room every now and then. Then I get excited to put it up so I clean and throw away other things. It’s a great process even if I keep getting more things. I TRY to throw away more things than I bring home. Lol

  7. I didn't realize how much stuff I've accumulated since I've been at college. I'm going to have to go through it before I head home for the summer. Saying that it is a challenge instead of just doing what we shouldve kept up with doesn't excite me, it just makes me feel depressed that I should've kept it clean in the first place.
