Friday, May 11, 2018

Happy Mothers' Day?

Since we're all mothers here at lolinministry, we thought we'd share a post in honor of Mother's Day. Here are a few of the Mom Stereotypes that exist, not that these apply to any of us. 

Overprotective Mom
(New driving teenager going to the store alone for the first time) 

Stephanie: Because you can't actually lie through text. 🙄

Jill: No need for the texting. In this day and age there's an app for that. 

Clean freak Mom
(You walk through this house wondering if anyone even lives there) 

Kylee: ain't nobody got time for that.

Stephanie: not gonna lie.. I do feel this way about my kids toys. 

Experienced Mom
(the all too honest ones at the mommy and me dates) 

Kylee: so encouraging 

Crier Mom
(she's only watching her kids' kindergarten graduation... When they're twenty-five) 

Kylee: don't judge. This would probably be me. 

Stephanie: this is not planet fitness. We are not judgment free. 

Kylee: it's the graduation song. It makes you feel all emotional inside. 

Optimistic Mom

Jill: Clearly this is her first child.

Cool Mom
(at least, she thinks so) 

Stephanie: what's wrong with cake for breakfast??

Rage Mom
(when they dumped out their crayons for the 47th time) 

Kylee: or when they put their daddy's headphones in the full bath tub. 

Jill: or when they think the kitchen table is their bedroom. 

Germophobe Mom
(she just found a reptile in the pocket of her son's pants whole she's doing laundry) 

Jill: Boys will be boys. 

Stephanie: you don't have to be  germophobe for that to gross you out. 

Kylee: ditto

Smother Mom

Jill: if they never feel that way, then you're not doing a good job. 

Just for the record, we don't personally identify with any of these moms. Do you?

Happy Mothers' Day from all of us here at lolinministry! 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think I identify with the rage mom. I find myself saying things like “why do I have to re-do what I’ve already re-done 12 times!?”, followed by an eye roll and a heavily irritated sigh. Someday I will live in a clean house though, I’m convinced.
