Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Testy Tuesdays

It's that time again. Just below are the pet peeves that are driving us crazy this week. Add your own in the comments, or ditto someone else. Commiserate with each other, blow off steam and go on your merry way.

Kylee: When I order a sweet tea and am expecting it to be sweet so I take a big drink only to find out it is most definitely not sweet!

Stephanie:   starting a diet...but also, only have three outfits to wear because you haven't started a diet. 

Jill:  When someone borrows your car and backs it into a pole.

Now it's your turn. What's bugging you?


  1. When I have stuff to do but sit down to rest for a bit and then wake up to find that I still have stuff to do but less time.

  2. When you start to cry but don’t want to, so you make a determined effort to stop it before it starts, but then someone hugs you...game over.

  3. When I'm mad, and I cry!!! ....instead of being able to talk and confront the situation!!
    Or when I'm mad, and start cleaning...then can't find anything later! Lol

  4. When you go somewhere to be a good friend and you and others know it will break your heart but you go anyway and then get the "are you okay" questions. Like "I'm here, I'm not crying, and I'm talking to you. Now don't bring up the heartbreak."
