Monday, December 18, 2017

"It Would Be Fun" They Said...

I hate to admit it, but oftentimes I view events as things we have to do rather than things we get to do. It seems more of a chore list, if you will.

I love Christmas time but it seems like its the time of year where things start to slow down and then Boom: the schedule fills up with Christmas class parties and programs. Yesterday, was one of those busy days. In the morning, there were two Sunday school class parties going on, plus I was working nursery with more kids than usual, and in Junior Church we had food and gifts. Then in the afternoon, we had to set up and prepare final touches to our Christmas Program. 

This year as part of our Christmas Program we had our Junior Church kids sing two songs. So we sent an invite to their parents to come and watch them. There was a pizza party and devotional for the children when they were done singing and then a cookie fellowship to follow the evening service for everyone.

Junior church was memorable. You know how kids get when they know they're getting something special: they get over excited and it tends to lead to some misbehavior. Without going into great detail, Junior Church was an adventure for sure.

For the evening service and Christmas program, we ran the bus to get kids and parents who wouldn't be able to come otherwise. I was hopeful that we would have a lot of kids come but I hate to admit I had very little faith. When it was getting closer to time I saw kids showing up with their parents and they kept coming and coming. I had to take care of a few last minute things in the nursery before heading down to the auditorium for the start of the program. When I walked in, I was overwhelmed with excitement as I saw the entire front section full with young children ready to sing.

After they had finished singing, we gathered all the young people and headed towards our pizza party. 

Have a pizza party they said. It will be fun they said...

We got downstairs and the kids were so excited, we started handing out pizzas and had our devotional. Then it was time for presents. 

Earlier in the day yesterday, I truthfully couldn't wait for the day to be over. It would be two more "things" checked off our "to do" list. 

We weren't expecting so many kids so we were short a few gifts, we asked for volunteers who wouldn't mind waiting until next week to get their gift. We had a little 5 year old who started crying because she had to wait and it broke my heart. We asked her older sister if she would give her gift to her sister. She agreed, after she saw how upset her little sister was. As we gave the bag to the little girl she cried more. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I'm happy." It made me cry and then made me think.

We don't have to do these things. We get to do these things. The ministry isn't always easy nor is it always fun. However if you have faith and find joy in the "things" that you get to do, working in the Ministry can be is so rewarding. 

Yesterday, we had 19 visitors and 9 people saved. Praise the Lord!

And the only picture I took from the whole day and makes this momma's heart so happy is the photo of my daughter praying before they sang their first song. 

"And may all your Christmases be white. Merry Christmas"


  1. Is the quote from White Christmas...?
    It certainly was a good day in the Lord's house yesterday! I loved the kids incorporated into the program and our choir really came together and did amazing! Most importantly yesterday was the 9 souls saved! PTL!❤

  2. White Christmas. Thank you for this. Praise the Lord for the souls saved.

  3. I love this story! It brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart for those saved. Life can be so exhausting but when we focus on the rewards, even the smallest ones, we can be energized to get through the day! You are a blessing to us all Kylee and your hard work is appreciated!
