Monday, November 26, 2018

Along Came Amelia (Part Two)

If you want to ready the whole story of Along Came Amelia, you can go to part one. I mean you should because who really likes to start a story in the middle of a book, right?

For the next two hours after Amelia was born nurses were in and out of the room, checking on me and checking on her. Amelia was doing well, however, I wish I could say the same for myself. There were no complications with the actual delivery but afterwards I was having postpartum Hemorrhaging.  The nurse came to my husband and I and told us that I would need to have a D and C with the possibility of having a hysterectomy. As she was explaining it to us out loud, and the words actually came out of her mouth, "If it ends up being a hysterectomy, you wouldn't be able to have any more children." It was heartbreaking and I couldn't help but to cry. 

**For a while I have been asking my husband how many children he actually wants to have. He never really has given me an answer other than, However many God wants us to have. I agree with that but I still have a number in mind, you know? You may not be sure that you want to have anymore but for someone to decide that for you is devastating.

I had tears streaming down my face as they took me from the delivery room to the Operating Room. Matt and I agreed there was no point in him waiting in the waiting room outside the O. R. when he could be with our newborn daughter. I was sad and scared heading to surgery for the very first time. They told me this surgery would be about an hour. One hour turned into three, because as I was having the D and C, my doctor found a second Placenta. This happens one in every 100,000 pregnancy. I was that one. I didn't end up getting the hysterectomy.

After the surgery, they moved me back to my room. I was back in my room for about 20 minutes when the doctor came to check my progress from the surgery. They weren't happy with it and before I knew it, I was heading back down for my second surgery. I was still too out of it from the anesthesia from the first surgery to realize what was actually about to happen. They were taking me in for a hysterectomy. My husband had to leave to go take care of some things for our other daughters and my mom was in the room waiting with Amelia, both of them were left thinking we weren't having any more children... 

At least that was the plan. My doctor discussed the situation with one of his colleagues before heading into surgery and he suggested a procedure that would keep me from having a hysterectomy. My doctor agreed to give it a try but we wouldn't really know if it would work or not until the next day. 

After the surgery was finished, and before I came back to the room. The doctor came into the room where my mom was and had told her about the procedure that he had done and that he didn't do the hysterectomy after all. She called my husband to tell him the news and he praised God for a miracle. 

After a restful night, the doctor came in the next morning and...

The procedure worked! Praise The Lord! 

Two weeks after being discharged I had a short consultation with my doctor. He said to me, "I bet you're wondering what I did in there." We had a laugh together and then he became serious as he explained to me what had actually happened. He shared with me that he was scared, which came as shock to me. Doctors aren't supposed to be scared, are they? He told me that my family gave him comfort as he talked to them each step of the way. He shared with me how calm they were and how nice of a gentleman my husband was. That made my heart happy, but I knew the only way that we were able to be calm and positive through it all was because God was there with us. Not to mention we had so many people praying for us.

If you're reading this blog today and you were one of those people praying, Thank You!

With just having finished Thanksgiving and being reminded what we just went through while writing this story. I've got a song on my mind and want to share.


  1. Beautiful song for a beautiful story 💕 I’m thankful God answered all of our prayers for you guys and that he chose to give you the blessing of possibly more children! And we are so thankful you and Amelia are doing well!

  2. This is a miracle! I shared with you that I had a horrible time aftervdelivery #3 also a postpartum hemorrhage. I actually stopped breathing at one point and was rushed to surgery. I was allowed to read my medical notes afterwards and my doctor wrote ‘frightening postpartum hemorrhage’ I also was shocked that he would say that but having been a nurse for a long time doctors do get frightened. It is a good thing, it makes them more cautious and less cavalier about things.
    As I told you I went on to have Nathan so if it is in god’s plan you too will have another baby!

  3. Still praising God with y'all for this miracle, and for the health of you and Amelia ❤❤❤

  4. What an amazing account of God’s personal work in your lives as well as those who work on and with you. May they never forget that peace that passed their understanding as they worked to help you.
