Monday, March 4, 2019

Innovative Minds

Do you remember when you were a kid playing things like, "cops and robbers" or "house"?

My husband told me about how he and his siblings would play "spies" and basically they would go around their house and gather different items and make it into spy equipment.

When I was younger I remember playing "restaurant". I would ride my bike in circles around my driveway.  We would lay down broom sticks as if they were "speed bumps", we used a notepad to take our orders and then we would use the meter on the side of the house as the "drive thru" window.

Nerdy, right? I thought it was pretty creative if I do say so myself.

My husband and I knew that when we had kids that we hoped they would be creative and have an imagination like we had as kids and they do! All of them are creative in their own ways and it's so neat to see different things that they come up with. Here are a few that we have captured!

Trains from boxes and chairs!

If you can't tell what this is, she made a carriage for her horse and the doll is the chauffeur.

They also do creative work: They were using their team work to take up Krav mats and stacked them to see how high they could make their "tower". (Yes, Talia is on a table and yes she was supervised the whole time.)

and when they get bored of working they use a broken table for a slide!

I'm thankful that these girls don't just need tablets to entertain them ( although sometimes we do) but they are imaginative!

Are you creative? What was your favorite "made up" thing to do as a kid?


  1. My grandparents (who I lived with) had a balustrade outside the front door this made for a perfect make believe horse and ballet barre! They also had a long back yard that I spent hours playing games like motorway (running at speed up and down the paths) and pretending I was late for work!!!! Who knew that would be my life every day!

  2. I remember playing spies all the time!

  3. I use to race cars with my bike. If they drove by before I got to the end of the drive way they would win,
