Friday, March 1, 2019

Lights, Dirt, Party!

   I have been thinking about what I should write for my post today. Should I share how the power went out the other evening for about 4 and a half hours? I did dishes before the sun went down, then we played legos, then we ate a dinner from pantry items, then we sang some songs, then we told stories that were apparently too scary when told in the dark, and then we decided to go out to the store until bedtime. Then on the way home, my hubby told our daughter to ask God to turn our lights on, and when we got home, there were lights! And she was very excited to tell people how God turned our lights on and answered her prayer.

Well, that story was short... so maybe I should share how we got a flat tire on the way home from church Sunday morning.
Really not sure how it happened... And since we all had to get out of the car and wait while hubby changed it....

We had to be entertained on the side of a dirt road....

And so we had to have baths before lunch.

That story is also short. So, I guess I'll just share that this guy will be 29 on Saturday. 
He says he wants nothing for his birthday, but our 3 year old is planning quite the party. It involves balloons with string, cake wrapped in little bags, and presents. It should be quite the shindig. 

Well, that's my week in a nutshell. How was yours?

1 comment:

  1. Wow I wish I could have been there for all that! My week not that exciting, unless you count my trip to the ER, which was no party! Enjoy your electricity, new tire, balloons and cake in a bag! Wish I was there!
