Talia, who never stays all night in her own bed, slept the night through. (This is not the first time she's done this while at Nana's house). When the girls are over, they sleep on a pallet that I make for them on the floor of my bedroom. Talia's parents have threatened to make her sleep on the floor at home in hopes of her sleeping through the night.
Stella, while talking in her sleep, informed me that she was dreaming she had a baby brother (her parents are NOT expecting) and that she got to wear a really great pair of shoes.
A girl after my own heart.
I fell this week and really hurt my arm. My elbow's all bruised and I think I hurt some nerves because my whole arm is in pain. I fell off the table while trying to screw back in the globes that I had just cleaned from the light fixture. I told various family members that I hurt myself when I fell off the table.
NO ONE asked me what I was doing on the table in the first place. Apparently that's just standard behavior for our family.
I also had the following comments/conversations with my family throughout the week:
*I led someone to the Lord over xbox live!
*I feel like a real housewife.
*please pray because my foot got crushed between two pallets at work.
*I think I have a sinus infection. I feel like there's a spike going through my head.
*Can you pick up 10 pounds of chicken for me today?
Family Member: My computer's not working.
Me: It looks like your hard drive might be fried.
FM: Is there anyway to get all my stuff off of there?
Me: Don't you back stuff up?
FM: No ... unless it's on the cloud.
Me: Did you save it to a cloud?
FM: Not that I know of. I just thought it might be up there somewhere. (Picking up his/her phone) Okay Google.
Me: You have an iPhone. You have to talk to Siri.
Only 10 lbs. Of chicken. That won't last long in the Boyd house