Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What about you?

Everyone in this neck of the woods is swamped with getting ready for our Wild Game Dinner this coming Saturday. During the day yesterday I drove up to Lansing to get some items we needed, and ended up working out some details for our Extravaganza in August, too, so that was exciting. Then I spent the evening grocery shopping with a friend (Hi, Mary!) to get all the stuff that turns all that "game" into a dinner. So I'm going to need a little help from you this morning to finish out my blogpost for the week. I've had questions rattling around in my head for you to answer. Give your answers in the comments. My answers will be in the comments too, providing I can get my comments to register -- I've been having issues. Here we go!

1.  What's the "wildest" type of meat that you've ever eaten?

2.   When you're at the grocery store, do you grab the first thing on the shelf, or do you always make sure you reach behind the first or top item to get the one behind it?

3.   On a scale of 1 to 10, how picky are you about how your towels are folded?

4.   Do you let your clothes dryer run while you're not at home or do you consider that a fire hazard?

5.   Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?

6.   What's in the trunk of your car right now?

7.   What time do you normally get up in the morning?

8.   What's the last thing you ate?

9.   Who is the last person you texted?

10.  What chapter will you/have you read in your Bible today?

Oohhh, slipped that last one in, didn't I?! Hey, a little accountability never hurts! Have a great day!


  1. 1. Chicken heart in Mexico
    2. Depends on the item.
    3. 6
    4. Let it run.
    5. Cracked open barely.
    6. Umbrella and all my stuff for teaching piano lessons.
    7. 5 to 5:15
    8. Yogurt
    9. My cousin
    10. Deuteronomy 21-23 and Acts 19-20

  2. 1. Elk or rabbit I’m not terribly adventurous
    2. I look for the longest expiration date on all perishables
    3. Very fussy now I have Marie Kondo’d my shelves
    4. Yes
    5. Either, unless I’m in a hotel 😂
    6. Random stuff that I have no space for in the apartment
    7. 5.45-6.15am
    8. Vitamins
    9. An old friend
    10. James Chapter 1

  3. 1. I’ve had crocodile and zebra. Didn’t care for either one.
    2. Depends on how big a hurry I’m in;
    3. I’m a six. I’m picky, but I won’t refold someone else’s work unless they did a horrible job;
    4. Depends on how big a hurry I’m in;
    5. Used to be open, but now closed. It changed because we had company for an extended period of time;
    6. Nothing. Notice I didn’t ask what was in the backseat;
    7. Between 6:00 and 7:00;
    8. Chicken taco;
    9. Stephanie;
    10. I Samuel 8 and I Corinthians 13.

    -Jill's answers

  4. 1) pretty sure I've also had crocodile and zebra.
    2)I never grab the front item
    3) probably a 7
    4) Ummm... I let my clothes dry when I'm not home, but its definitely not a fire hazard because I don't have a dryer.. So they're just hanging on the line.
    6) dirt from the tire that was in there after we got a flat.
    7) 5:45
    8)scrambled eggs
    9)my sis-in-law
    10)leviticus 23 and 24, Luke 8 and 9, and Psalm 27

  5. 1. Shark?
    2. I never grab the first one.
    3. 8. Unless the girls are doing it, in that case I'm just happy that I don't have to!
    5. Open
    6. Currently, tools!
    7. When the baby does
    8. Pizza rolls
    9. My mom
    10. Esther

  6. 1) alligator
    2) depends on what I'm grabbing
    3) 0
    4) let it run
    5) closed
    6) junk
    7) 5:30 am
    8) sweet and sour chicken
    9) my boss
    10) Proverbs 27

  7. 1) Ostrich Burger, tastes like beef not chicken, very very good!
    2) "reach behind" my mother taught me
    3) 5
    4) Dryer can run... but now you've made me think twice!
    5) closed and locked
    6) Snow brush (I live in Milwaukee now! haha) and a Justin Case emergency car kit.(I think it belongs to one of my sons who apparently didnt feel the need to have one in HIS CAR!)
    7) 7:00
    8) chicken enchiladas
    9) Rosalie Marshall, friend
    10) Ditto Stephanie... apparently we are reading the same devotional book! :)

  8. 1.Gator
    2.go back a few items, I don't know how many people touched the first one.😖
    4.i am a fire hazard.😋
    6.i don't have a car
    7.6:00 not entirely sure, it's college food🤔
    9.My Mom
    10.Acts 25
