Monday, August 28, 2017


I was talking to a friend last week about goals that I have for this fall. I began to think of all the times in the last year that I have had goals for my children or my house. Maybe it's just deputation or maybe it's just motherhood in general, but do any of you out there ever feel like you have a lot of unfulfilled goals?

For instance, potty training. Do you know how many times I have buckled down and taken my daughter every 30 minutes of the day. We would do so good for about a week and then we would leave for a trip and all progress is out the door. I also had the goal of having a yard sale before the summer was over. Some how, my garage is still completely unsorted and my old belongings still unsold. 

So, I can't give you a list of how to achieve your goals, but I do have the next best thing. Here's how to not achieve your goals. If you follow this list you are sure to not achieve any of your goals, and if you go completely opposite of this list, maybe you'll be able to achieve some of those goals. 

Here we go. How not to achieve your goals:
  • Make a ton of goals and start them all at the exact same time so that your life completely changes in a day. Example: potty train your toddler, lose 30 pounds, start an entire preschool routine, start a new spring cleaning schedule, start a new bedtime routine, etc.
  • Put no thought or detail into your goals. So you want to start eating healthy starting first thing in the morning. Does it really matter that you've not researched any healthy recipes or gone shopping for healthier alternatives to the cupcakes and Doritos in you cupboard?
  • Make plans that will conflict with your goals before they even start. "I'm gonna start my diet on Monday!"... even though you have three family birthday parties that week. I'm just saying, can anyone pass on birthday cake three times in a row?? 
  • Make your goals completely unrealistic. So what that I have a two year old and a one year old. I'm gonna completely clean out and organize my garage by myself in a weekend!
  • Don't tell a single soul about your goals. No one else knowing = no accountability if you don't accomplish anything. 
  • Plan to fail. Starting out with "I'd really like to do this, but if I don't get it done it's not a big deal" is never a good attitude for success.

So, there you have it. Six ways to make sure that you will not achieve those goals. You're quite welcome. I've thoroughly gone over these and tried to plan for success this time. I'll let you know in January how this fall and my goals went! Do you have any goals you're currently working on?


  1. I'm too tired to come up with goals...oh wait, to sleep for 8 hours straight again... 😁

  2. I'm so glad you've learned from my example on how to not accomplish your goals! 😉 I've just finished setting a few goals for organization and fall cleaning. We'll see how well I do this time.😏

  3. Potty training Talia by her Birthday!

  4. I'm so bad at achieving my goals that I am starting to think that the definition of Goal is "something unreachable"!

  5. I have always been a go with the flow type person it makes life so much easier.

  6. I loved that last meme lol

  7. Goal in our home means...
    G etting
    O n
    L ist
    And that's where it
