Saturday, September 9, 2017

Answers to Yesterday's Quiz

So you think you know your Boyds? Let's see how you did. Here's the answers to yesterday's quiz:

1. Matt. He was barefoot on the cement floor of the garage when he tried to plug in a 220v plug. His hand looked like someone had bored holes in it with a drill.

2. Paul. He was three and we were on our way to Uganda. There was a girls' soccer team in the row behind him and they all fell in love.

3 and 4. Stephanie.

5. Paul. He was looking for one of our cats, but instead he came across the feral suitor who had slipped in the window looking for his girlfriends.

6. Luke.

7. Nick. I don't know if he was making up his own language or trying to say something in English, but we always knew when he wanted seconds.

8. Joel came down with meningitis before he was a week old.

9. Luke. Although technically I guess this could be Paul, Joel and Nick as well because they all made bets with each other.

10. Matt decided a light saber battle would be a good way to attract attention to our yard sale. And it worked ... until the police showed up.

11. Luke. The church was on Hughes Road at the time and he gave quite a view to all the traffic.

12. Matt. His daughter takes after him, too.

13. Joel. He didn't want to go to the park that day, but I insisted. Talk about mom guilt!

14. Nick. He had Bo and Lar and Beth and Rufus. Rufus was the imaginary dog.

15. Stephanie. It was an accident, but that didn't make the puppy any less dead.

16. Paul. We were at a meeting where the pastor made no secret of the fact that he was only tolerating another missionary. Paul was two and kept peeking out at the pastor with his big green eyes. By the time the service was over and we were packing up our display table, Paul and the pastor were playing hide-n-seek in the auditorium. The church took us on that month.

17. Joel shoved Nicky off the porch. Nick landed face first on the cement apron.

18. Nick. He ran all over our compound in Uganda, and when he was tired, he'd just drop wherever he was and go to sleep.

So now you have it. Thanks for playing!


  1. So.........for her anything if we got them all right?

  2. Didn't Rufus get hit by an imaginary car that Bo and Larry were driving?
