Monday, September 25, 2017


 Can't live with them, can't live without them. In our house, no one could mess with a Boyd... except of course, a Boyd. The other day I found a questionnaire about siblings and it made me chuckle. So I thought I'd share some of the questions with you.

  • What did they want to be when they grew up? Well, I asked them just now and they are not answering me seriously. My mom's reply was "you seriously thought they would answer you seriously?"
  • What kind of treats did they always want on their birthday? I'm pretty sure all of us wanted an ice cream cake because they are amazing. We also always got to pick what we wanted for dinner on our birthday. After we came back from Africa, even Mcdonalds was a worthy birthday dinner. 
  • What do you do that still drives them totally crazy? Pretty sure my existence annoys them, but they all hate it when I am bossy. Which I may tend to be often. 
  • What outfit did they wear all the time as a kid that your parents still talk about? They almost all have this thing, where when they find a shirt that they really like, they keep it for the next 7 years and try to claim that it is their lucky shirt or something. Not all of them do this, but the ones that do tend to wear it well past arm raising ability. 
  • Which one of your friends did they have a huge crush on? If I said, I would die. 
  • Do they want to get married and have a family? My older brother is married and has kids. The younger brothers may have more success in getting married when they no longer think that deodorant is optional. 
  • Do they want to live in the same city as you one day? I don't really see any of them moving to Brazil. So I'm gonna say no. 
  • How do they like their eggs? There were 6 of us.  We only got scrambled eggs. Mom didn't take requests.
  • If you guys could take a sibling trip, no parents or other relatives or significant others, where would you go?  I don't know where we'd start, but we'd either end up in jail or in the loony bin by day two or three. We've never done well on long trips together.  How my parents made it through deputation, I'll never know. 
  • Are they super organized, messy/ neat, or fairly laid back? I think one of each. 
  • There's no question about germophobes, but I thought you should know, we have a couple of them. 
  • What is something you share with your parents that they don't?  That I'm the favorite. ๐Ÿ˜
 So your turn. If you and your siblings could take a trip with just you guys, where would you go?


  1. My siblings and I would probably go to an amusement park so we could have fun and not be forced to be with each other the whole time. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. They lied to you, I'm they're favorite.

  3. My sisters and I would all get a cabin Up North near Petoskey Mi! Where we could on the lake, walk the Pier, visit the Bridge and Mackinac city and the Island. And stay up way too late playing games, sittingv around a bonfire or watching a movie ❤
