Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Captain Underpants!

I realized that it has been awhile since I’ve written about this cutie. 

Last time I wrote about Olivia on my blog, I believe she had just turned one and was quite the cranky pants. Although some things remain the same, a lot has also changed in those five months. She no longer head butts the floor, and she no longer has a major temper (just a little one). She also has developed a pretty funny personality. She loves to give fist bumps, high fives, and kisses. 
However, over the past couple of weeks she has developed a strange obsession. I’ve seen previews for that TLC show about crazy obsessions. People are obsessed with things from Christmas decorations to the color pink to being an adult baby. Weird, right? Well, Olivia isn't that obsessed yet, and I refuse to let it go that far, but she  has become obsessed with underwear. Yes, that’s right. Underwear! Mostly, her sister’s underwear. 

She will randomly go to her room and pull out a handful and carry it around with her. She will sit and play with it or even try putting on a few pairs at once. If I have some clothes laid out for the girls, she will take the pair of underwear or pull out a pair from the clean laundry that I just pulled from the dryer. I really don’t know where this came from or why she really even likes them. Maybe it's just that they are soft and bright colored?

A few evenings ago she was pretty cranky so she went to her room and pulled out a few pairs of underwear and was holding them. It was almost comforting to her. I sat her next to me with her underwear while I folded some laundry. The next thing you know I looked over and she has fallen asleep with her pile of underwear tucked in beside her.

If she is that interested in underwear, maybe I should consider potty training? Potty training two girls at once. Am I crazy or efficient? Only time will tell. Either way, wish me luck!

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