Monday, May 28, 2018

The Sixth Week

What is it with medical problems and a 6 week recovery??

  As mentioned in previous posts, I just had our third baby about 6 weeks ago.  
I left the hospital and I seemed to be healing, but about three weeks in I was having some horrible pain in my side. I had already gone in and my stitches had healed just fine, my incision was completely closed and healed up on the outside, so I wasn’t sure what was causing the pain.She was my third c-section baby. This time around the recovery was a little more difficult than the other two.

  My first thought was an infection, but I didn’t have any of the other signs of an infection. Second thought was a hernia. I was told at the hospital that I couldn’t hold anything heavier than my newborn because it could cause a hernia. Well, I have two other toddlers. I tried not to hold anything heavier than the newborn, but that didn’t quite happen. So, again, I wondered if it was a hernia, but again, I didn’t seem to have any other signs of a hernia.

  After another week and a half of the pain, it seemed to get worse one day when I felt like I had been punched in the side. So I called my doctor’s office. I explained the pain in detail. The nurse asked me if I had a fever. She ruled out the two things I had already wondered about. Then she said “Well, you’re still in your 6 week recovery time and it should be better in another week and a half”.

Before I left the hospital they gave me a whole list of “Do not Do’s”.  They told me to follow that list until 6 weeks after surgery. When you break a leg or a bone they generally put you in a cast for 4 to 6 weeks. What? Is 6 weeks a magical time period where all is healed?? You can be in pain right up to that 6 week mark, but at that 6 week date BOOM🧚‍♀️💫 🤩 you are magically a healed person. You can lift things, no more pain, you can run a marathon. Why? Because you made it to the magical healing date! If you look outside on that day, you could probably see a unicorn and a leprechaun running down your street as well.

I am happy to report that it only took another few days after that phone call for the pain to go away. That’s another miracle worker. You just want to feel better, make a doctor’s appointment, you won’t need to go anymore. You want to find something you lost, buy another one, the old one will show up later that day.

So, I reach my 6 week miracle mark on Wednesday. You’ll find me lifting things and running a marathon down the street with leprechaun and the unicorn. So who’s going to join me??


  1. And those silly doctors will hold you to the six weeks even if you’re already healed! “Hey doc, my cut seems healed now and it’s been four weeks. Can these stitches come out now?” “No, you have two weeks left before I can take them out.” What the heck! It must be federally mandated lol glad you’re feeling better and that there wasn’t a problem!

  2. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who sees the leprechaun and unicorn! Everyone just kept saying that I was crazy.🤪

  3. maybe those are her nicknames for the other two children. I can see that!
