Monday, February 4, 2019

A Lesson in Krav Maga

How often do you avoid trying something new?

Do you avoid it because you're scared or because you just don't want to and it's out of your comfort zone?

For those of you who don't know, the men of my husband's family teach Krav Maga. It was about two months or so ago when I knew that they were going to be starting it back up again for the new year. I was asked to start advertising for it and while we were on the subject my husband told me that he would like me to start taking the class. I did not want to! We left it at that and I was hoping that he would forget if we just didn't talk about it. The day of the class had arrived and the morning of, my husband asked me, "You're planning on taking the class tonight, right?" I told him that I wasn't planning on it. He encouraged me to go and he explained why. I saw where he was coming from but I still didn't want to go!

I'm no stranger to sports, however, Krav Maga is in a different category of sports. It is something that I have never done before but if I'm being honest, it's not something I had a "desire" to do either. I had different thoughts running through my mind of why I couldn't shouldn't do it. I was afraid of looking silly, I had a baby and surgery just two months ago, and was I even going to be able to keep up and do everything that they were going to do?

I had a sour attitude about it but my husband told me to be determined that I was going to have a good time. I fixed my attitude and got to class.

Guess what?

I enjoyed it. WHAT? Yes, I know my husband was right! ...but don't tell him I said that or any of the males in the family! I'm positive I look silly now, and I'm still not super comfortable at doing it but if I am ever put in a situation I WILL be able to defend myself and my children and that is what's important. 

So I guess the moral of my story is don't let your fear get in the way of trying something new, because you may miss out on something great!

P.s. I'm not the only new Krav student.

Have you been wanting to try something new? What are you waiting for?

You CAN do it!