1. Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie invented M&Ms. The two Ms stand for their last names.
2. Only female mosquitos bite. The males go for flower nectar instead.
3. Wayne Allwine, the voice actor for Mickey Mouse, and Russi Taylor, the voice actress for Minnie Mouse, wed in 1991.
4. Elephants can’t jump. They’re simply too heavy.
5. The sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language.
7. In a process called triboluminescence, Wint-O-Green Lifesavers give off little sparks when they are eaten in the dark.
8. China owns every panda in the world.
10. If you leave a jellyfish in the sun for too long, it will evaporate.
11. For over a month in 1988, temperatures in NYC exceeded 90 degrees every day, increasing the murder rate by 75%.
12. George Washington was a redhead. So was Lucille Ball, but you already knew that.
13. Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, also founded Chuck E. Cheese.
During our family night, we all sat around chatting, playing on our phones and listening to Joel play the piano. Joel is currently at college, but he called and we made him a part of our family evening too.
So did you know any of these random facts?