Wednesday, August 15, 2018

You Know Your A Mom If...

Being a mom is a wonderful thing but it’s a hard thing. Here are some moments and memories that give you a glimpse into motherhood.

You might be a mom if…

Your purse doubles as your diaper bag.

Your bed is no longer yours…

Your alarm is “Baby Shark do do”…

You have to change your outfit at least one time before leaving the house.

You’re never on time!

Lego’s and Barbie shoes are your worst nightmare.

You call your kids by their siblings names…

You randomly find a rock, a hair bow and a my little pony in your purse.

You find showering before 10 P.M. an accomplishment.

You are a hide and seek master.

The ringtones on your phone are theme songs to Disney movies.

You no longer remember what personal space is.

You have the ability to know just what your child is getting into in the other room.

You are able to get away for an hour but you are still shopping for or thinking about your kids.

You have magical boo boo healing powers.

There you have a glimpse into my life as a mother.

Anyone want to add to the list?


  1. You know you're a mom if you don't think twice about wiping boogers off a face with your finger.

  2. You know you’re a mom when you have the ability to quickly walk through your living room that is littered with multiple toys as if you were a ninja!
